Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The modus operandi of shrimp soup

The modus operandi of shrimp soup

Of shrimp (seafood) of the tastiest dishes and feed the ever preferred the meat and is characterized by lightness and taste delicious in taste.

And seafood has many benefits, the most important of the brain and reduce the bouts of depression, they also enhance the strength of vision, and useful in the pacemaker and limit of heart and stroke and improve blood circulation and increase the cholesterol beneficial to the body proportions, contribute to the muscles and joints to build, operate tonic Tabieiy sex, especially shellfish

250 grams shrimp average.
250 g squid (squid).
250 grams fish fillet.
250 g crab meat.

Tablespoon of butter.
Medium onion, chopped fine.
2 garlic cloves, minced.
1/4 teaspoon ginger.

Salt and black pepper.
Cumin and spices.
Celery promises clip.

Method: -

Cleaned seafood well and cut squid and crab meat and fish to medium cubes.
Heats deep skillet and heat the butter and add the onions and stir until tender, then add the chopped garlic.
Shrimp added to the onions first and stir well for 3 minutes then add the squid and crab meat and volatility well, and finally add the fish cubes and volatility well for two minutes.
Add water and spices and leave even before maturity directly add celery and provide hot bread and salad with tahini.

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